Registration Fee Structure – Early Bird up to 10th December 2025

Category Non-IEEE Members IEEE Members
Indian (₹) Foreign (₹) Indian (₹) Foreign (₹)
Ph.D. student /Research Scholar /Academician 5,500 8,400 4,500 7,000
Student pursuing Bachelors /Master’s Degree 4,500 7,000 3,500 5,600
Industry and others 6,000 9,100 5,000 7,700

Registration Fee Structure after on or after 11thDecember 2025

Category Non-IEEE Members IEEE Members
Indian (₹) Foreign (₹) Indian (₹) Foreign (₹)
Ph.D. student /Research Scholar /Academician 6,500 9,800 5,500 8,400
Student pursuing Bachelors /Master’s Degree 5,500 8,400 4,500 7,000
Industry and others 7,000 10,500 6,000 9,100

Fees once paid are non-transferable, non-adjustable and non-refundable under any circumstances. Note: Payments to be made through Conference Manager.